Collaborations / Partners

Collaborations / Partners

In order to provide a complete integrative care model for our patients, we need the contributions and interventions from a wide array of health science disciplines. To achieve that we are always looking for collaborations with mental healthcare experts including -but not limited to- psychologists, social workers, physiotherapists and doctors of all specialties.

Feel free to contact us and share your ideas, questions or suggestions.

Μαρία Βακόνδιου
Μαρία Βακόνδιου
Λίνα Βασιλείου
Λίνα Βασιλείου
Γεωργία Φύτρου
Γεωργία Φύτρου
Αναστάσιος Χανδρινός
Αναστάσιος Χανδρινός